
Our family.

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Eric worked all day making a traditional feast for us.  Amazing.

Zoey giving Jerry some love.

These two together.  So fun.

It was fun having friends over to share the day.

Fei works tomorrow, Lili is off with friends.  Eric and I have no plans yet.  I'm guessing the teens won't want to leave the house.  So, we'll see.  After two days at home, I'm definitely ready to get out of here.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mom's Birthday


Lili and Fei took their Gramma out for lunch.  Then they poked around town, did the Farmers Market, picked up cupcakes for dessert and went for a tea. Poppy hung out with Kai. They didn't take photos.


Happy Birthday Mom!

The Clampets hit 7-11.


Four of us went together to vote.  On the way home I suggested we stop for slurpees.  Fei had mentioned wanting one a couple weeks earlier and we finally had time.

We all went in because one person can't carry 7 drinks.  Lili immediately took off looking for boba, Eric was after coffee.  I excitedly let Fei know they had the very much favored and rare Rootbeer slurpee.  I haven't been inside the 7-11 store in years.  It was fun in there.  It's a busy place and we were all over the place in there.

We took all the drinks to the till and there was a sign for a Friday special, 3.99 for a chicken burger and a bag of chips.  So we all decided to go for it.  The deal is for members, so I signed up.  Then we hit the loaded toppings bar.  Too funny.  The girl helping us was funny.  It was total chaos.  

Surprisingly the burgers were really good.  The rootbeer slurpees were even better. Easy dinner.

Oh, and they have Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake there.  We'll have to go back one day.  Perhaps we can be less embarrassing next time.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Jia's Gotcha.


It was a busy day of errands and running around. Jia requested dumplings or Ping's.  I didn't have time for dumplings so we all loaded up in Cherry to go to Ping's and when we were passing the Haida Way Jia said he was wanting curry.  So that's what we did ;)  Sudden change and no one squacked about it.

He didn't want to hear his adoption story.  Everyone was hungry.  We were a quiet bunch.

I personally ate a salad for lunch and didn't have a snack this afternoon then crazily thought curry would be ok for me.  I barely ate.  My body is a mess.  Cold, clamy, shivering at the core level, nauseous and burping non stop re: being empty does this with the colectomy.  The salad is trying to kill me and I'm assuming my sugars are too low again.  A whole bunch of issues again.  Sigh. We're home.  I'm in bed praying for sleep and a reset.

Update, I shivered until I finally slept, I got up and had a snack and am feeling a lot better albiet still cold.  

Monday, October 7, 2024


Have you shopped Temu yet?
It's a gong show.  Discounts and bonuses and free certificates and free gifts if you order in the next 10 minutes etc.  Free shipping if you spend a few more dollars. Very high, aggressive sales tactics.  Haha.  

This blanket for Onyx was $20.  I got the biggest one.  The smallest size was $6.  This thing is huge.  I could have gotten the small one.

80 glitter ducks for $14.
.18 cents each. 
I'm planning to split them up between both Jeeps and the next two cruises. 

Ok, this is definitely an adult big joy.
Look at that match!  The bag has a strap for holding it on the suitcase handle.  The strap even has a hidden passport zip. I know.  Right?! I mean seriously.  I can't wait to pack up for the Alaska cruise ;)  
So much fun for $13.
I want to go order bags for the girls but I just don't think they'll be nearly as thrilled as I am.  

Today was the boys iep meetings.  Held with just one teacher. Calm, peaceful, productive.  Pleasant even.
It was all good. 

In other news.  Lili, Fei and Mom are all willing to hold down the fort while Eric and I go on a road trip with Cherry and Cheese.

The plan is 9 nights, 10 days.
4 day drive to L.A. 2 days Disney and 4 days back.  So a slightly more relaxed pace than normal. Then 1 day Disneyland and 1 day California Adventure.  Just the two of us.  No kids.  I'm pretty excited.  
No plans are final and nothing is booked yet.  Still in early planning.
I'm hoping to stay at the camping resort in Anaheim.  It's row parking.  I'm fairly certain Cheese won't be the norm ;)
Another bucket list trip for me.
This will most certainly be the cheapest Disney trip of all time.

Sunday, October 6, 2024



Well, I was up early, got ready, ate breakfast, did all my chores and tear down. Turned everything off.  Got the walls down mostly no problem.  Then when the roof was coming down it became obvious that the outside wall attachment Eric just put on last night is going to hit the roof in 1/2 an inch and the roof still needs another 3 or 4 inches to close.  

And it's raining.

I did try asking about this last night but Eric and I speak different languages a lot of the time and he assured me it would be fine.

I'm sitting in my car, trying to stay warm while he comes out to rescue me.  Sigh.  

My original plan of letting the wall just fall on me was a better plan.  

Back to the drawing board. Except the next try needs to be at home.

He should have just come out for the sleepover as planned ;)  

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Solo at Rathtrevor


Solo trip.
It's very, very, very quiet here.
There are lots of other campers but it's definitely a different vibe than being here in summer.

Fei drove up with me and Cheese.  Eric followed us.  I was scared to park and worried about the one wall that is too heavy for me.  Once Cheese was set up we went for a nice walk and then they skedaddled on home.  I was in my jammies and settled by 6:30.  Haha.  

Towing Cheese was fine.  I do need Eric to find our extended side mirrors.  I picked my site and parked.  I think I could have managed on my own with time and leaping out a few times to reassure myself about placement but with Eric there telling me drivers and passenger it went really quickly.  I've only parked Cheese twice before.  Once here at Rathtrevor and Eric and I fought our way through that.  Once at home.  This time he remained calm ;)  There is no chance I'm ready to back into row parking or on any weird angles but a wide open easy site I can manage.  I think.  

I did a two hour walk this afternoon.  Alone.  That was sooo weird.  I got back to Cheese and it started raining a few minutes later so that worked out perfectly.  I said hello to people walking and realized I hadn't spoken in hours and hours.  Also so weird. I mean between Eric, kids and critters I am never really alone.

Eric and I had discussed briefly him coming out 2nd night for a sleep over.  He showed up after dinner and installed a cantilever mechanism on the one heavy wall.  He tried it out and then tried to leave. Ah.  What?!  He stayed about an hour for a wee visit and then he skedaddled again.  

The plan is for me to get the walls down on my own and tow Cheese home without Fei's moral support in the car.  I'm nervous but feeling a tad hopeful that if we keep plugging away at all the issues I'll eventually figure out how to do it all on my own.

This weekend I wanted to try out some changes for road trips.  We left Cheese hooked up to the car.  We didn't put the leveling feet down and I didn't plug in the fridge.  We want to get the setting up and down done quickly and quietly.  So far it's been good.  The trailer is sturdy enough without the leveling feet and the fridge is plenty cold with ice in it.  

Eric unhooked the pool filter and pump.  Mowed the lawn.  Pruned things.  Sussed out having our gates swing in instead of out so that he can put openers on them. He worked on Cherry, replacing the warrantied struts and putting in a wiring harness for electric brakes. So he had a busy day.  Last night he put a bunch of rv bits and parts in the amazon cart.  I just ordered them all for him tonight.  Fixing problems on the Falcon, water keeps coming in from the slide while it's moving in and out. We need a new door lock for Cheese and updated propane regulators.

I started the movie Will and Harper on Netflix this afternoon.  Time for jammies, snacks and to finish the show.