
Our family.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Emily Carr at the Museum

The new Emily Carr statue.

Kids weren't thrilled about seeing John Lennon's car but we were.

Fake rubberised scat, how cool.  Fei didn't enjoy the poo and was reminded again about being a scientist and saying 'oh how intesresting'.  Jia is looking at 'rats', she gets excited when she has the words for things when we're out and says them loudly, so she's sitting there yelling 'rat, rat, rat, see, rat, Jia touch rat'.

More rats, well they weren't rats, but she thought they were.

Jia thought the scat was pretty cool.

Here Jia is telling everyone that the 'teeth, sharp, ow'. 
Poor Lili had to stay here with Jia for quite a while, she didn't want to leave whatever that thing is.

We go to the museum fairly often and usually have season passes so we see this guy a lot, it was Jia's 1st time meeting the Wooly Mammoth and she wanted to go pet and touch him in the worst way.  Eric had to catch her, she was climbing up!

Lili is going to do a segment about Emily Carr in school so we went to the BC Museum since they have a display on her.  We weren't impressed with the Emily display.  Seems to me there is so much more they could have done, and we've certainly seen better displays of her work before.  It was deceiving, the bulk of the paintings weren't 'by her' but 'of her' by two other artists.  What was great though, was that after the small Emily display there was a wonderful natural species of BC.  The kids had a blast in there.  There were lots of dead critters to look at and tons of interesting things in jar.  Ok, yes, most of it was revolting to me, but I'm getting good at encouraging learning, and saying 'oh, how interesting' instead of 'ew, gross, are you kidding me, who the hell wants to see that?!'.  We met friends there and the girls all had fun exploring the old part of the museum.  Jia loved walking around and touching everything.  She was really thrilled about the Wooly Mammoth and was quite insistent that she wanted to touch him.  Crazy, he's HUGE, you'd think it would be more normal to try to avoid animals that big!  We go fairly often so the big girls are pretty comfortable there.  It was Jia's 1st visit.  We got another pass, it's always a nice place to go for a walk on a rainy day.