
Our family.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


At the campsite for 10mins and already eating her first ice cream cone! 

Big kids have helmets on riding their bikes, so Jia wanted hers on too.  Even though she's only playing with the beach toys.

That's us on the left, Penny in the van in the middle and Nicole and family on the right. 
We bought this collapsable high chair for Missy and it worked fabulously.

Jia asleep in the bike carrier.

Bunny hunt at Butchart.  Eric marked Jia's map for her but we let her hold an extra one.

Jia's first carousel ride.

Ready to go to her first camp fire.  We sat her in her high chair so she couldn't get close :)

She was pretty thrilled with those new boots.

Our little bunny, so sweet.  The ears stayed on for about 30seconds.

Come on Mom!  Let's get on with the hunt already!

"oooo, eggs"

Found another one.  Not sure why we're doing this but it's fun!

Finished first!

Mmmm, candy eating time, except for Jia who has dried fruit.

We made it through the first camping trip with Jia.  She did great.  I think we can safely say she loves camping just as much as the big girls do.  We were all more than a bit shocked at the resort.  Row camping.  Not our style.  The girls were asking us if we could leave before we were even parked.  They quickly changed their minds once they started playing with their friends.  I did like how clean it was for Jia.  I don't care much about hook ups, the only real difference I see is that the lights are brighter.  We didn't take Isabel and it's a good thing we didn't as there was no privacy at all there, no room for her tether and there were a lot of other dogs walking by constantly. 

The rv site was small and the girls were able to take off and ride their bikes on their own so they had a great time with the new freedom.  When they rode by us they'd yell out 'Hi' to Jia.  She thought that was pretty great, she'd run to the pavement and wave after them yelling 'Hi' back.

Miss Jia did a ton of walking.  We're all shocked at how far she can walk.  We picked up a jogging stroller on the way to the resort and it worked fabulously.  So easy to take on the trails.  Jia even napped a couple times in it.  We went on a big bike ride on Sat. so got to try out our bike rack from the trailer to the car.  Very nice.  I can see that we'll use that a lot this year.  We did 12kms on our ride.  Who knew the kids could do that?!  They loved it and are already asking when we can head out again.

We were worried it would rain on Sunday so after our bike ride we took off to Butchart since it was still early and so sunny.  Our walk and bunny hunt was great.  Very relaxing.  Jia rode her first carousel and seemed to like that too.  There was lots of drool and she held on tight.  Then we had a heck of a time getting her to leave, she kept going back and saying bye bye to the ride!  Too cute.  Afterwards we met Catherine and her girls for dinner.

Sunday morning the girls opened their baskets together and we all laughed about what Jia must be thinking.  Later in the day we had a group egg hunt for all the kids (9).  Lili was proud to be the first to collect all her eggs.  Jia caught on quickly and really liked hunting for eggs.  When she first saw them, she said "ooo, eggs".  We're planning to hide some more eggs at home for her.  It's amazing to me how Jia just joins in and seems to understand what the kids are doing.  It's fun to watch Lili and Fei introduce Jia to the traditions. 

On Monday we packed up in the rain, so thankful that we had such great weather and made it home early enought to have a lazy day at home.  Needed after the super busy weekend.