
Our family.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Not a baby anymore.

When we saw Mary and Charles recently, Mary told me all signs of babyhood were gone on Jia.  Since I still make the bottles, feed the bottles and change diapers, I disagree :)  However, there are moments that I have to agree.  She looks sooooo grown up on Lili's old scooter!

Clutching Sophie and trying to keep her warm.

Sophie snuggled into Fei's housecoat pocket.

We went to a park that Lili and Fei used to call the 'road park' after we picked up Sophie.  It's got little kids roads with signs on the track.  Last night they took scooters, skateboard and roller blades.  Such fun.  We also took dinner but none of them stopped to eat.  They ate in the car on the way home.  Sophie was with us, it was  bit cold out and she was shaking, so I carried her under my vest.  She did great meeting Mia when we got home but when we put her in Mia's cage it didn't go so great.  Sophie is in the travel cage for now.  She is so sweet.  I forgot how much the little ones sleep.  The girls just love holding her while she naps.