
Our family.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Selena Gomez and Pumpkins

Quack Quacks!


There is a baby sitting on the other end of this table getting his picture taken with little pumpkins.
Jia insisted on joining him.  The other Moms graciously let her join him.

I love how expressive Jia is.
"ooohh, Mooommmiiee, yuok how cute!  So sweet mumpins, yike baby Jia!!"

What a gorgeous group of girls.

I took the girls to see the Selena Gomez concert.  To say they were excited is quite the understatement.  They loaded the bic lighter app before we got there.  Lili took video of most of the show.  Fei was taking picture, video and voice recordings to use as her ringtone.  I sure could have done without the one hour pre-show and I was a bit shocked at how late the event went.  Home at midnight.  Yikes.  Jia stayed awake that long too!  Selena was lovely, said all of the appropriate Disney things and the music was good.  I'm so old.  I hated the screaming, way too loud for me.  Surprisingly, Fei wasn't bothered by the noise at all.  $80 for two t-shirts was crazy too.  It was the girls first big music concert and they were very happy and appreciative to have been able to go. 

We took the girls to McNabs Corn Maze on Sat.  It wasn't as muddy as usual and for the first time ever the big girls seemed to 'get' the idea and were very determined to find the four posts to punch their cards.  When we accidently came across the entrance Jia and I made our escape and went to go look at the little pigs (doggies) the goats (doggies) and the emus (quack quacks). 

Life is busy, too much going on last week and this one.  I'm quite certain it won't slow down until after Halloween.  Seems we're just constantly running errands.  Yesterday Eric and I took Jia to apply for her Canadian passport.  Lili had her pre-op in the afternoon.  Today Lewis had his booster shot, Lisa comes this afternoon and I want to take Jia to family frolics tonight.  Tomorrow Miss Lacie is getting dental surgury done.  We're all nervous about it.  Several months ago I let go of the swinging door and Lacie was behind me and it hit her in the face.  She had blood on her bottom front teeth and they fell out in a few days.  Lately she's been quite bothered by her teeth so we took her in and she has three wiggly teeth in the front that need to come out.  Her back teeth and gums are fine so she'll be able to keep eating like normal but her tongue will hang out forever with no front teeth to hold it in.  I'm just sick about that.  Our poor wee beautiful girl.