
Our family.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Chihuahua Group

The big girls danced at a Mothers Day Tea on Saturday.   We actually went early and met Penny and girls there and attended the tea.  It was nice and relaxing to sit and drink tea with finger sandwiches and treats while watching my girls dance.  There was another dance school there and some kids from Jump Start (jump rope group).  Our four girls were pretty excited watching Jump Start and three out of our four want to join the group in September.  We'll see.  Schedule permitting.  Have to admit it was really cool and I can totally see what they found so appealing about it.

Fei followed them around until she got all three in one picture.

On Sunday Eric took Lili riding and they came across a black bear on the trail.  She was so excited and scared.  She saw him and put her head down and closed her eyes!  I asked 'why did you do that!?' and she said "I didn't want to 'see' what was going to happen next".  Too funny.  We've suggested she keep her eyes open next time!  Fei isn't sure if she wants to see a bear up close and personal like that! 

While Eric and Lili were riding, Fei, Jia and I took Lacie to our first Cowichan Chihuahua Group play date.  The group just started last week.  We had three Chi's there.  Lacie wasn't totally thrilled.  There was a boy Chi there named Tucker that was particularly taken with her and attempted rude behaviour non-stop.  Fei was pretty busy protecting her :)  Lacie mostly just wanted up and who could blame her.  She wanted up so badly that she let Jia pick her up! 

Lili and I finally have our itinerary for our trip.  I put a cheque in the mail on Friday to pay the down payment.  I have to keep telling myself this is the trip of a lifetime to ease the pain of the costs.  Michael has even arranged for us to go to the police station in Changting and meet the officer who picked Lili up from her finding spot and took her to the social welfare institute.  I cried when I read that.  Lili is taking it all in stride.  Showing very little emotion.  She says she is too busy to spend time worrying and thinking about adoption issues.  I on the other hand, constantly weeping about this homeland trip, totally over emotional about it all.