
Our family.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Jia's 1st pet.

Keeping the fish safe for the ride home with a seatbelt.

Fish bowl - 4.99, blue rocks - 2.99,  goldfish food - 1.99, water purifier - 2.99, goldfish - .19cents, joy in this small child - priceless. 

Setting up Tia's new home.

Hugging Tia.

Introducing Jia's first pet, Tia the Goldfish.

Three kids, two dogs, two cats, two rats and one goldfish. 

Jia asked for a fish and it's not the first time.  I wonder if Elmo and Dorothy's relationship is involved with this desire.  I told Eric I wasn't interested in cleaning a fish bowl but he thought he could manage so this was his thing with Jia.  I just tagged along and watched the fun.  Eric and I have never had fish, have no clue.  Frankly I'm a bit surprised the fish managed to survive the transition at our hands.  I'm also totally surprised at how much Jia loves this fish, she so, so, so badly wants to hold her and watch tv together. 

The big girls were away for the weekend at a Camp Q retreat.  They were with friends and had a great time.  Jia missed them terribly but we managed to have some fun together without the big girls.  She was delighted to tell the big girls about her fish before we got home and then she took them to meet Tia immediatly.  So sweet.