
Our family.

Friday, September 27, 2013

LOA signed

The envelope didn't arrive until this afternoon.   Eric brought the girls to the office and we got everything signed and put into a courier bag for Monday. 

I thought we'd get the original referral package, but we didn't.  I was hoping the original pictures were better, was wanting the little passport photo and was even hoping there was updated anything.  We don't even know if he is in foster care. 

Shockingly the loa was dated Sept. 2.  Only took 26 days for loa and then 25 days to get here.

Giant leap of faith. 

I know you're all going to ask 'how long now?'.  No clue.  Usually 8 weeks after loa.  However,  we have no travel group, it's a new computer system and there aren't many Canadian families adopting from China anymore and not much for a tracking system.

I soooo wanted more pictures of our son today.  Sigh.