
Our family.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

My new cat!!

I'm a cat person.  I've always been a cat person and I've had some great cats through the years but I've been catless for years. 

Jenny is all about Lili and only Lili.   Lewis is four and he is still  pretty ferral.  Not a house pet by any means.  I've only seen him once in the last month, he came in, saw us and turned around and fled back outside.  So, I've been mumbling for years about wanting my own cat.  I hinted heavily around my birthday and our anniversary but Eric was firm that when one cat or dog dies another one can come in. 

Then this morning at breakfast out of the blue Eric said that Lewis wasn't really a pet and said that Mom should get a cat.  Fei was ON IT immediately.   I said no rescues, no ferrals.   And in a perfect world one that looked like my Silo.  I was partial to any siamese,  himilayan, burmese, ragdoll or combination.   Fei went online and yelled out that she found a himilayan ragdoll in Duncan.  I took one look at the first kitten she found and said 'yes, I want that kitten'.  I called, the owner called right back and at 1, our troop converged on her house just a few blocks away and we met my new cat.  Awww.  He is so stinkin' sweet.  First picture is the one we saw online.

No name yet.  Our list so far is Eugene, Marvin, Joe (Jojo) or Wallace.  I get the final say because he is MINE.  I'm open to more suggestions.

Oh and Mr. Eric is smitten, he bought him a toy when he got kitten chow and litter and then he told me that the kitten has his eyes.  ;)

Such fun.

All the kids were asking this morning what we were going to do today.  Rare Sat. at home.  Bet they didn't see a new kitten coming their way!