
Our family.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


It was rehearsal day for the big girls.  Fei was in the choir and smiled throughout and was clearly having a good time singing her heart out.  We loved watching our beautiful girl.  Lili was The Big Wheel.  She was fabulous.  I got a little teary near the end.  Our shy tiny girl who has stood back for years not letting anyone know who she is.  She was strong and confident and nailed it.  So proud of our kids and happy they had fun with their friends in the production.

Jia was home sick so Eric and I took them both to see the show today.  Good choice, there was tons of empty seating at the back.  Jia loved the show and was thrilled to see her sisters.  Luk couldn't find Fei,  I wonder if the make up through him or maybe he needs glasses.  He did find Lili, he waved to her every time she spoke.  Awe.