
Our family.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Luk's Gotcha Day

Celebrations didn't go as planned.  We tried getting Luk to pick a dinner out that he wanted to no avail.  Eric decided he'd make won ton.  Not my favorite.  So I suggested we buy him the Ninja Turtle Big Wheel instead.  Luk wasn't impressed with the box this morning and was quite unpleasant about receiving a gift so we took it away and told him we'd try again when I got home from work.  No lessons learned because he was even more outrageous this evening.  He didn't want it.  Wants his old bike.  Lots of pouting and tears and sent to his room twice.

He has a strider bike that he can't manage and falls down every time he gets near it.  He has a tricycle that he isn't strong enough to move and he has a ride on toy that he is too big for and he ends up dragging his toes.  So, we were really hoping the sit/lounge style of the big wheel would work for him. 

Brutal.  In the end while he was sulking in his room refusing to come downstairs we had a wee meeting and decided it was so crazy that the only option left is that he had no freaking clue what is going on and we needed to just move forward.  He was in a battle and he was trying really hard to win but wasn't using words.  Just attitude, harumphs, wailing and tears.  There is just no reasoning when it gets that crazy.

Finally Eric just started building the big wheel and he slowly joined in.  Now he thinks it's the coolest thing going.  He is grinning and riding it around telling us over and over how much he loves it.  I asked him what all the fuss was about and he just shrugged.  Sigh.  I will never get used to how fast kids moods change.  I can't wait for him to go to bed so that I'm closer to ending my day too.

Not our more successful party for sure.  I wonder how he will remember the day?  Devastation at getting a gift or joy at riding his new 'bike'.