
Our family.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

No cavities.

The kids dentist cleaning appointment was made before Kai, so I asked Fei to give up her spot so that he could be seen with Luk and Jia.  Kai wasn't thrilled, tremendously scared actually.  Poor guy.  He politely said no thank you when it was his turn.  I'm glad I left work a bit early so I was there to hold his hand.  Such bravery.

Kai has discolored front teeth.  It looked like staining to me but hard to fathom how only the front would stain.  It turns out his teeth are in great shape so far. No plaque, no cavities.  The front teeth have had blunt trauma.  So maybe a fall?  We're to keep an eye out for an absess under the teeth. Fei had it happen to two of her teeth, both from falling.  One from tripping over someone and landing on her face and once from falling off a scooter and landing on her face.  So the good news is they will fall out and the adult teeth should be fine.

Luk, Jia and Lili were all good too :)

Haven't had much time for photos or updates. This week we're in serious scrambling mode to fit everything in. Last month of school is always like this.  It's our 24th wedding anniversary today.  We're ignoring it, will celebrate on Saturday.  Working full steam trying to catch up, keep up and get the new motorhome packed for the weekend.  It was the school fun fair last Friday.  Eric was busy with the set up.  I worked the full three hours.  Mom came and helped.  Thanks Mom.  Girls were all off on their own with friends. Eric had Luk.  Kai stayed with me and then near the end Kai decided he wanted to play some game so Eric took him to do that while Mom and I worked at the bowling booth.  Phew.  Made for a long day. I was in a good chill by the time we got home and then ended up quite sick for the weekend.  Mostly wrapped up on the couch either in a chill or a fever.  Ug.  Hence the need to catch up.  Eric was great about coming in to feed kids.  He would have preferred more work time outside.  He's been working on the exhaust system in the new to us motorhome.

Oh, and Luk saw his neurologist on Monday.  He's doing great.  He's being moved off the six month call back to a year between visits.  No concerns today.  

We also had a meeting at the school about the boys and their needs.  I think everyone was on the same page.  Services and assessments in place for both of them.  Starting to feel a little like it might be ok sending them to school. That said...this morning I left the bathroom while they were brushing their teeth and then realized a few minutes later that they were still in there. So Eric hollered to them to stop brushing and Kai yelled ok back but they still didn't come out. So Eric went in there and they were still brushing!  Teeth are super-de-duper clean today.  The district lady didn't want to use the word compliant about the boys but I assured her it was a great word for them.  They are very compliant.  Makes you wonder how long they would have continued brushing. We have to tell them each step to everything they do.  Wild that two boys that are so similar would end up together.  

Hate to jinx anything. Kai has been doing so great with potty training.  He hasn't taken himself there on his own yet.  We'll really celebrate on that day. He does stay dry almost all the time.  No accidents in his underwear in over a week.  He wears a diaper when we're out and they are almost always dry.  He goes on the potty without fuss and he's figured out how to pee right away so he's done faster.  Still need more help on the pooping but it's getting less weird and there hasn't been need for constant showers. He's getting it.

Lili declined showing off her pearly whites.
She also wasn't offered anything from the prize drawer. Jia picked planes for the three of them.