Last week there was a fair amount of discussion with separate therapists about Kai and Luk. They obviously have to look for and delve into deficits while trying to label. It is exhausting for all of us. There are a LOT of people involved in trying to help our boys.
Five speech therapist saw the kindy kids and each of them took turns with the kids. Luk was flagged as needing help. His speech is fine but he has a processing delay and he's not able to connect ideas or handle two commands or tell a story or retell a story. All of which we knew. Horrible to hear from professionals. They want him developmentally tested. Sigh. In the meantime he'll be doing conversational therapy with some of the other kids. Then onto Kai. He failed every single aspect of the tests. They have no clue where to start or what to do. So, he's getting it all. Speech, language, ESL, group, OT and visual support. It's deflating.
After one call on Tuesday about the delays and deficits I sat in the car at the Walmart parking lot having a good cry. Eric came back to the car and I asked him if the boys were going to be ok and he waved his hands over the parking lot and said "look around, they have a fighting chance".
So we're holed up at home trying to make life normal. Or hiding. Working on accepting that we're working on different things with both boys for their school years.
Not a lot of picture taking going on.
Eric had Steve look at a converter he bought for the moho. He was able to fix it for us. Yay. So we'll have full power! Mostly that means charging our phones and running the electric fireplace without being plugged in or running the generator.
There was supposed to be a huge storm here. The storm was an under achiever. We did all the laundry, cooked food and had baths in preperation for the possible power outages. I know we're supposed to be glad the storm missed us but it was oddly disappointing.
Lili made banana cake today. Jia wanted to bake too so she made granola balls. Luk helped roll. Or he put his hands in, made some mess and played. Kai normally wants nothing to do with cooking but today he seemed interested so he washed up and then put the balls in the container. He was so proud.