
Our family.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Just sat down.

Eric is the busiest person I know.  He does so much for all of us.  He meets his step goal every day, plus plus. We get lovely homemade everything for meals.  He is always setting up stuff for the kids to do.   He stays involved with their arts, crafts and science projects. 

I too am fairly busy.

Today we were up early.  Breakfast for everyone. Laundry.  5 loads today. Plus folding and putting away.  Pet care. Three loads to the dump. One load to a thrift store.  The back yard is temporarily back!  A bit more organizing.  A ton of dishes.  Grocery shopping. Home for lunch. Seriously busy all day.  Kids wanted to know if I was going with Eric on his last dump run because I wanted to not work.  Bahhahaaa.  Seriously.

It was quiet in Walmart today.  School supplies were just being stocked.  I was on my own so I whipped out 'the list' and got it done for the littles. 

Eric had the littles in the backyard before dinner so I opened all the school supplies and sharpened the pencils and sharpied names on each item.  Took an hour.  Every year I end up labeling everything the night before school after getting home from camping.  Still need a lunch bag for Jia.  Bought backpacks for them months ago.  Waterbottles and Ninja Turtle lunch boxes for the boys. 

Still need clothes and shoes for all of them.  Full disclosure, I won't be doing anything for Lili and Fei.  They have strong opinions on their supplies and wardrobe ;)

I also picked up a few things for Christmas.  I know crazy.  Way too early.  Even for me. Life feels out of control with the flood.  Who knows what's next.  Trying to get everything done that I can!

On the flood front.  Giant heaters and fans have been going all weekend.  The breaker keeps going off.  We are now looking out the window constantly to see if the pool pump is on.  It's on the same circuit.

We're not interested in having this happen again.  So, need to fix/lower the drain.  I'm asking for wood panel wainscoting so there is no drywall low on the walls.  Now doing tons of reading about flooring on cement.  It's bleak and not many good options.  Suggested flooring is linoleum or rubber tile.  I don't think our family could deal with the smell of rubber.  Eric wants rubber finish but I've never seen it and the smell would still be an issue.  Lili, Fei and I are really hoping the lino rock pattern in our bathroom will work.  Anyone have ideas about flooring on cement?

Carpet isn't a great option re: flooding, pets and Luk  (lots of surprises). 

Fei gave me a pedicure yesterday, my toes are showing at the bottom of the photo. 
I tried to take a picture yesterday.  They didn't turn out.  We were like a scene in a comedy.  Fei got out a spa foot tub and filled it up with hot water.  The littles were crowding around to see.  I told Fei to squirt in some of the kids body soap.  So she did.  Then left the room to gather supplies.  The bubbles started and didn't stop!  Lili rushed over with a jug, I was scooping, Lili is running back and forth to the sink.  Jia finally turned it off.  Boys stood in shock.  Fei saunters back in wondering what all the shrieking was about.  Just another afternoon moment in Nelsonland.
Eric and the big girls are off to see Spiderman.  Fei made snacks.  Shhh.  We would never sneak in food to the movies.