
Our family.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Kids clothes and closets.

10 hours!  It's too much.  I'm so tired.  I'm sure I'll feel better about it in a few days.  Right now I'm tired.

Did the cubbies for the littles.  Shoes, boots, coats, hats, snow suits and mitts. Sorted all of Jia's clothes.  She's grown so much! Almost a complete turn over.  Happy to report I think everyone has everything they need.  Had lots of stuff put away for all of them to grow into. 

Working with littles is hard.  They don't really co-operate.  They prefer to play and goof off.  Of course.  So it makes it trying to keep them on task.  You know since kids love trying on clothes so much!

In amongst the sorting Eric and I totally overhauled Jia's room.  Through the toys and bits. Soooooo many little bits.  I told her for each thing she kept something had to go.  In the end she was great about tossing so there wasn't a ton of negotiations.  We moved her furniture so her bed is closer to the door, the hallway light, the boys and so she can see us go by.  All in an attempt to get her to sleep in her own bed. We keep trying.  We are fully expecting this to not work.  She still needs me. She wakes up many times through the night and reaches for me.  If I'm not there the  anxiety sets in and nightmares follow.  So, we'll give this a try before school starts and just see.

The porch is FULL of bags to donate.  Lili and Fei have been working in their rooms all day too.  Lili didn't cull out as much.  She's done growing so the need to sort isn't as big.  I haven't seen what Fei did yet.  She spent a couple hours with me trying to keep Jia on task.  As much as Jia fights the work she sure is happy with her clean, organised room. 

She's off to bed on her own tonight and she's already been down three times to ask questions.  Sigh.