
Our family.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Box

I picked up Kai from his play group today and he was very excited to show me his box. A cardboard storage box that he was coloring all over.  He asked if he could bring it home. Then happily marched to the car carrying it.  It's a big load for him.  We carefully got in the trunk and he patted it before I closed it.  Then stood waiting for the trunk to open at home and marched it into the house. Super Super PROUD. He couldn't wait to show Eric.  Then he got his crayons and a pen and went to work on it.  At the end of the evening he had moved his Disneyland ticket into the box and was packing around his flash light so he could peek into the handle holes.  It was funny to watch this love affair all night.  Of course Luk was jealous, letting his green show big time. Which probably made Kai even more pleased with his box. I just came up to bed and had to laugh because Kai is sleeping with his box!!  He doesn't have much room.  Hilarious.