
Our family.

Monday, April 23, 2018


It was my flex today.  Eric and I took most of the day off.  Once the kids were in school he changed the oil in the van, I napped.  Then we went to the farm market.  The peace ended when we picked up kids, home with bounty from the market and quick dinner prep because Lili works tonight. 

First drive of the year with the top down on the convertible.  It was so nice that after dropping Lili at work, I had Eric escape for a drive with me.  Fei babysat.

Now we're just finishing up homework and I sent the kids out to play.  First evening play of the season.  No jackets! 

Jia is saying goodbye to her bike and moving onto Fei's purple mountain  bike.  She is sad and elated at the same time.  Kai is taking her little purple bike because he really loves purple but he's not ready for the bigger bike. He can't figure out pedaling or looking where he's going. Luk is still trying to get around the driveway on his little bike.  He is just soooo weak.  So Jia walked with Luk and Eric stuck with Kai and the boys rode for a bit. They are NOT campground ready. I'm guessing not this summer. Eric and Jia were amazingly patient. I sat cringing but quiet during the bike riding. If it was up to me those bikes would go back into hiding. They just aren't ready.

Added a picture from Sunday. Mom feeding snacks to the doggies. Too funny.

Pretty grateful today for family and sun and our really great yard.

Homework in the sun.

The old bike.

Kai wasn't thrilled about being sent out to play. He was determined to sit on the steps but then his bike came out and he was interested in that for a few minutes.

The upgrade.

And then he fell over.

Jia thought Fei should say goodbye to her bike. Then Jia was horrified that Fei rode with bare feet and no helmet! Now, we have to get serious about a bigger bike for Fei.