Saturday Jia went to Zoey's Bday party. It was a sewing party. Very cool. City peeps have more options. They made a book bag each. Jia enjoyed the project. She asked what she should put in the bag. I said "books?". Then she proceeded to use it as a potato sack race bag. Then a hat.
Fei came with us. We managed to meet up with Catherine and family for a long overdue visit.
Today Lili was off for an 8 hour rehearsal. Crazy. Not my favorite teacher. The rest of us stayed home. We puttered most of the day. Christmas is all put away. Eric and I did some organizing in one of our storage cubbies. We brought all the luggage out for our trip. We're all labeled. Travel bags sorted and general Luk supplies in the big checked bag. No clothes or shoes packed yet.
No naps by people but the critters had lots of naps. Struck me as funny that Oliver and Isabel were in the same position.