
Our family.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Neuropsychological Evaluation for Luk

2 year wait and we're finally here.  A full day assessment at Queen Alexandra.  It's intense.

They asked had we been here before?  Bawhahaha.  FCC picnics, Lili's spine clinic every six months for many years, Luk's wheelchair clinics and specialized orthopedics and leg braces and finally Kai's neuropsychological assessment s few months ago.  So...ya...pretty familiar with the facility.  It is pretty here.  One of my favorite beaches.

Eric and I brought Luk yesterday for day one.  The day was exhausting. Today Eric stayed home with Kai.  Lili is working. Fei came to watch Luk during the parent feed back at the end of today and Jia came to keep Fei company until then.  Phew.
Break yesterday.  He was in good spirits.

This morning...tired from yesterday.
Fingers crossed he can make it through the day!