
Our family.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Eyes and the convertible.

Kai didn't do so great on the eye tests today. Apparently his vision is worse and he really can't see well at all. Which we knew but proof is good.  He has to redo this test in 2 months because the results were so bad. I asked him how the day went and he said great with a smile and they gave him a pencil. The pencil makes it all ok.
Jia and Luk came to work with me today. This was Missy by 9:30. Then we woke her at 2:30 because it was time to go. She loves coming to the office so was sad to have missed playing and lunch and wanted to know why we didn't wake her. Haha.  There were people in the office. Puppies barked. Regular work happened. Luk and I weren't quiet. I have no clue how she slept through it all. 
Awe. These two slept the bulk of the day too.
Luk and I left Jia and the puppies locked in the office and went across the highway to pay for my car. With a wad of little bills.  Our not happening road trip savings. I've never paid for a car with a stack of 20's before. Hillarious. The salesman was amused by my neatness. Bills all in same direction, elastic bands and a list of bills with totals. He of course had to count it all, he was great about it. Eric came later and did the insurance.  Jia was shocked to hear we left her.  I told her we left a note, slipped it under her. She was busy being a drama queen about how someone could have seen her sleeping and kidnapped her. Luk and I thought she was pretty funny and teased about no one wanting to nab a drooler. Oh and while Luk and I were with the dealer, an RCMP officer came in, they were returning a vehicle that was stolen last week. So that was interesting.
Weird picture, the car looks huge beside the minivan. 
Our first drive. So fun. We had loud music and it was perfect. The boys both loved the wind.
My hero. Changing the oil at 10pm so that I can drive it tomorrow. 
Girls are home from work. We've had our debriefing. Now Eric is taking them for a night cruise and filling up the gas tank for me. Before they can move the base must be adjusted. Then they had to figure out getting their playlist happening.  Hope they're having fun.  It's been a long day, lots planned over the weekend so I've got myself tucked in.