
Our family.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Stuck on the island.

Once again, reminded that we're on an island and getting off isn't always easy.  Luk had an issue that required possible attention.  It's 1st thing in the morning, Kai is attempting to alert us, which just made things super confusing but we clearly got the message that Timmy was in the well.  Then the special needs hiarchy comes into play.  When kids are complex they get shuffled to specialists.  So we knew walk in wouldn't work, or E.R. thought maybe calling his pediatrician but knew she would send us on.  Possibly Victoria but what if there isn't a pediatric urologist on call.  Ok.  Likely needing to just head to Children's.  But...reduced sailings, reduced numbers on the boats.  No reservations available.  They took the ability to assure load away from disabled kids.  As we are sitting and trying to calmly rearrange our world and the biggest issue of the day is once again getting off this damn island.  Yes it's one of the most beautiful places on earth to live but we can't quantify how much I dislike these damn ferries and the whole system in place.  And covid...hating covid.  In the end we just dealt on our own, muddled through and calmed Luk.  Luk is fine.  Nothing to worry about.  Resolving on it's own.

Luk was stressed.  Any mention of Dr's stresses him.  He was scared.  Wasn't sure about going to school.  So I let him take his phone to school.  It's in his iep that he can utilize his phone.  But...he left it in the bathroom.  His EA found it.  It was confiscated.  Luk was again upset.  Sigh.  The story concocted was that he was taking more time in the bathroom because he was obviously playing games.  Uh. No.  He was taking more care and texting me updates.  And honestly, if he wanted to play games in there I wouldn't have personally cared after the day he was having.  

I do realize we can always park and walk on and take a taxi to Children's so we're not really stuck.  Unless there is wind and boats aren't moving.  It's super covid weird on the boats right now so that isn't a fun option.  I hate, hate, hate sitting in a ferry line to "see" if we'll get on.  Massive pet peeve.  Too many years on an island ;) 
Kai doesn't love Halloween.  He does like the candy.  He also loves his fireman hat.  He agreed to put the coat on.  We'll see if he'll agree to put it on at school.  Eric is planning to do some trick or treating in our house so Kai can have the experience at home, inside.  Have told the others they have to join him going door to door.  They weren't too sure until I reminded them that the candy they get out in the public has to sit for days before they can touch it.  So a clean available candy source swayed their decision to play along with Kai.  Eric has bought tons of chocolate already and he's also into it already, uh oh.  He also got pumpkins. 6 white ones.  Not sure how I feel about them yet.  I mean they're just pumpkins, who really cares, but, orange, tradition.  
We haven't decorated much for a couple years. Planning to put it all out this year.  We need cheering up.  Mary and family are coming for the weekend.  No clue what the actual plans for the day are but we'll find some fun. We had some fun sorting through costumes. Luk didn't have any ideas of what he wanted to dress as.  He kind of likes the pirate gear.  Really he just wants a beard and mustache drawn on.  Kai thinks he does too.  Love it.
While digging in Halloween boxes I found these mini backpacks that match the chi's costumes. Because, of course they need candy bags!
Pretty darn cold in the mornings.  Time for sweaters.  Isabel wonders where hers is.  Haha.  She would HATE it if we tried dressing her.  
Picture day at school.  Jia's wearing her new favorite outfit.  In this moment she's begging me for a 3rd Chihuahua because apparently two isn't enough. Yikes.  Could you imagine?!  What if it was like Coco?!  We'd never survive.  As Coco nears her 1st Birthday we're starting to realize that possibly some of her issues aren't all about being a puppy...possibly something just not quite right about her.  Neurologically.  
Pretty cold in the office in the mornings.  I let them keep their sweaters on.  Just turned around to take them off and found them cuddled.  Awe.