
Our family.

Monday, June 27, 2022


We're off to the Pride parade in Victoria!  First time for half of us.
We opted not to take the boys for various reasons, the top one being the heat. So they spent the day with Gramma.
We were there nice and early.  We had a great spot near the beginning.
There were estimates of 30,000 people there.
The parade was about an hour.  It wasn't boring.  At the end the crowd was moving as a wave after the parade, we sat still for a minute and then worked our way in the opposite direction.  We didn't experience crowds at all.  
We tried a different spot in Chinatown. It was ok but we're all agreed we're heading back to the other noodle house next time. Jia was a bit perturbed there were no soup dumplings.  I still can't taste anything so it doesn't matter much for me.  The not tasting things is definitely getting old.  
What great kids. Jade just fits right in.
The BC Museum is open.  Only $5. Just the first two floors are open.  Our first time back in years so we were all excited.  Plus it's air conditioned.
Never gets old.
Lots of conversation about the museum and their desire to erase history. For the record we hate the idea. Yes there were atrocities. Ignoring them doesn't erase it. Then we went into the current new display. Stories of how the Japanese were treated in BC during the war.  Very eye opening for the girls.
Lots and lots of talking points.
And horror. These are signatures from people petitioning for no Asian person to ever own land.
Lili made a reservation for the Spaghetti Factory.  There is no air conditioning there, it was crazy hot.  Food was good though. The place was packed.
We ended the day with a wee walk in James Bay.
We came home to this. 
Jia has been bugging me for months for Doc Martens. She finally got them today with her own money. $200 for an uncomfortable boot that will get seriously marked up. I tried to talk her out of this.  I really, really tried.  Natural consequences will take over now.