
Our family.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Time to hide?

Luk reports that there were only 10 kids in  his class yesterday.  All sick.  One kid came back after two weeks and he has a mask on.

Today the playgroup called, the entire staff is sick.  No group today.  

We're all good but we don't want it ripping through this house again.  

In other news, Walter came home last night smelling of smoke again.  Jia is on a campaign to lock him in.  She's now showing Eric pictures of catios.  Maybe she'll get it done where I have failed.  I still want the whole side yard done. I mean it's halfway with the fence.  

Isabel is falling more and more frequently.  To the point we have moved her bed out of Jia's room and into the living room with Finn.  It's beyond sad.  She is very elderly but she doesn't seem to know it. Jia is really missing her at night.

Jenny is also having more issues.  She is refusing to use a litter box right now.  Finn was getting blamed for some big puddles but after Eric became a serious critter stalker for a few days he's narrowed the problem down to her.  She is super, super elderly.  

Finn got overexcited when Mom and Poppy came on Sunday.  Then he had an episode. Unlike anything we've seen before.  I was waiting for a seizure.  He had a nap and woke up back to his normal self.  Now we shall treat him even more like delicate glass.

Lili's Taiwan thing looks like it's probably happening.  It's all about the numbers.  31 interested on the list, now we see how many put a deposit down.  We're not sure what the minimum is.
The thrift store supplied some things for Bartholomew.  He's breathed some fire on his pore melting snowman.  I have TONS of Christmas decorations, boxes and boxes.  I had Eric get me one box and I've dispersed it around the house for Jessica.  It's early for us but I know we're going to run out of time and things will only get busier around here.

I'm oddly pleased that we get to pick Jia up from school today and bring all 3 kids home instead of 3 trips to Banks Road.  Bonus free time!