
Our family.

Friday, January 27, 2023


Busy week as usual. We try to grocery shop on Tues but we just ran out of time. We finally got to yesterday. We did Walmart and I found these Big Cheese t-shirts for the kids. Haha. $5 each. So fun. 

We had the furnace for cheese tested, it's in good shape. Eric got a themostat for it. I think one of the last things we need is a vent for the furnace. 7 weeks until the first road trip.  

Lili is in a law course, she had to go watch a day in court. She watched a fairy creek protester accussed of public mischief. Interesting. I definitely don't support the way the protesters tried making their points. Lili met a bunch of them and thought they were nice. Arg. Glad I didn't have to be there, haha.

Fei just passed a big exam she was worried about.  

Luk had a nice appointment with his Pediatrician yesterday. He used to be around 30th percentile for growth. Right now he's 85. Yay.  

Jia made it through a whole novel and the plan is to get a book report done before Tuesday. The library let us know the book we wanted is ready for pick up so we can zoom right into another one.  

I still don't have a family Dr. I need a referral to gynecologist so I've booked an appointment with a private clinic for a fee to see a nurse practioner. I'm not thrilled about the paying part but the clinic does supplement and hydration iv. So hopefully 
this works for me.