
Our family.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fei and I shared a birthday this year.

Jia chose Lili as her playmate on Sat.  Usually she plays with Fei.  It was so great to see Lili just being silly with her instead of the usual parenting role she takes. 

We live in the land of plenty, that's for sure!  Fei got her B-day gifts early, since we're away on her B-day.  I think she was quite happy with the vintage Tinkerbell necklace I gave her.  It's a charm that was mine as a child, sadly...that makes it vintage. I had it cleaned and turned into a pendent on a new chain for her.  Very sweet.

I did my old Mickey Mouse for Lili last year on her ninth B-day.  She ended up losing it in our hotel last year and she was very, very upset about that.  I've been looking on-line ever since to replace it but haven't had any luck finding the same one.  I tried again recently when I started working on Fei's Tinkerbell and I found him!!  Exactly the same one.  I ordered it from e-bay a couple weeks ago and Eric just called today to let me know it arrived.  He's taken it to the jeweler.  I'm so excited to surprise her with the new/vintage Mickey!  She will be amazed and thrilled and he's here just in time for our Disneyland trip, we leave Thursday!  I wonder if it's actually the same Mickey that Lili lost.  The hotel was never able to find it.  I bought this new one from a town neighboring Anaheim.

Fei picked out an ice cream cake with a picture from Eclipse on it.  Yum.

The girls got up on Sunday and headed straight for my new tablet.  Talking Tom kept them entertained for quite a while.