
Our family.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ferries and Airplanes

Jia had lots to say on the ferry.  She loves the big boat.  The rest of us...not so thrilled with having to always take that darn ferry to get anywhere!


Totally cool about travel these two.  Settled right in and weren't too interested in looking out the windows :) 

Ok, made it to LAX, now lets get to that hotel and rest up for Disneyland!

Ok, we seriously doubted that Jia would manage this trip.  She amazed all of us and did just so wonderful the whole trip.  She was delighted with each new adventure and actually stayed with her family.  We were so scared about her wandering and she didn't wander at all.  Go figure.  She was so excited about the airplane, totally understood what was happening and talked about everything.  I love watching developmental growth on holidays, they just soak up all the new experiences and grow and learn before your very eyes.  So cool.  My photos from the tablet didn't work out and I have to re-do all of the Disney pictures plus have way more to add.  I'm all out of order now, Lili wanted the lion pictures up, so I'll just group the photos together in seperate entries.  No one really cares about the order do they?  I've stayed at work late today just to get the lion pictures up.  The rest will have to wait until I catch up at work a bit.  Sue is away this week, so between catching up my own stuff and figuring out her stuff my desk is a bit loaded.