
Our family.

Monday, April 8, 2013


The big girls went to a camp retreat this weekend.  Jia was very upset that they were camping and she wasn't.  She told Eric and I in great detail how smores are made, even though she hasn't ever actually eaten one.  So, I decided to set up a tent for us in the living room and we made baby smores, teddy grahams, miniature marshmellows and chocolate chips.  Very tasty by the way.  She was completely thrilled with our camping set up.  She was so excited that she was up until 12:30 the first night and 11:30 the second night!  I'm exhausted.  I was pretty happy to take down the tent on Sunday afternoon :) 


On Saturday I decided to take Jia out of Eric's hair and let him get some work done.  Jia and I went for a lunch and playdate with friends.  I'd asked Jia who she would like to play with and she said Kalum.  Thankfully they were home.  Here they are playing pirate.  Too cute!

Lili and Fei had fun at camp, the rain didn't interfere too badly.  Lili was thrilled to get home and see that Eric had painted her room.  It's not done.  Needs another coat of green and whole lot of touch up on the trim. 

I finally called our adoption agency on Friday afternoon to find out how the matching works with them.  I was pleased with most of what I heard.  I was a bit shocked to hear that it would likely be about five months to get travel approval after we are matched.  Versus the approx. two months we had with the girls.  Totally different process with the shared list.  Hopefully the speed ups I'm reading about on Rumor Queen work in our favor because that part of the waiting would be tough.  Our file should go to China this week.  Can't wait to announce a log in date.  Once we're logged in, we'll be officially waiting for a match.  This is starting to feel very real.