
Our family.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hip Hammock

Hands free.

So, we're moving into plan B, which is to log in with China and have Sunrise look for a boy for us.  Our request has gone in as respecting birth order.  So, a boy under 3.  Could be a baby, could be a toddler, could be 3.  I'm imagining a two year old.  Keeping a one year gap between him and Jia.  Obviously we don't have much control and ultimately it doesn't really matter to us.  Having said that...we were preparing for a four/five year old and I have been passing on the baby gear.  Which I did after Fei too, so this isn't a new situation and it's not a big deal since I shop used for baby gear anyways.  I did have a friend asking me what we would need if we are referred a baby and I told her we were good, still have the high chair and strollers.  Not sure if we still have a crib or not.  Have to ask Eric.  We'll need car seats, but we would have needed them anyways since Little Guy was so tiny.  The only thing I could think of that I sorta regret passing on was Jia's baby carrier.  Told Eric I thought I'd like a hip hammock this time around.  That was Monday, Tuesday I went to the thrift store at lunch time and bought a brand new Hip Hammock for $2!!  I was crazy excited about that.  When I got it home, Jia took one look at it and said "I want in that!".  We tried it with her and it worked fabulously.  I know lots of people who swear by them for older/heavier kids.  I carted her around for half an hour and we were both still comfortable.  She didn't want to get out.  I told her it was for her little brother and she quickly said "but I'm the baby!".   I know in the pictures, the strap should be on my neck, but I don't like the straps on my neck, so we improvise, works just as well but less painful for me.