
Our family.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Gramma's carrot soup is the best.

We're all ok.  Busy.  Crazy busy.  No time for blogging.  I've had some e-mails asking if we're ok.  So, I'm responding to those.

Luk is doing great.  He gets stronger every day.  He changes every day.  He adores his big sisters.  He gazes at them so lovingly and then grins and jumps when they look at him.  He is all about walking back and forth between them with hugs and kisses at each turn.  He is still doing great with both Eric and I, he transitions between us beautifully.  Occasionally he reacts badly to one of us leaving the room but I haven't figured out yet what it is that triggers the upset.  He's still pretty nervous around Isabel but he's ok with the cats and Lacie.  He does point for Lacie to go away.  Lacie has figured out there is a trail of cheerios with the little kid and she's sticking pretty close.  He is still eating a lot but making his preference for mushy baby food clear.  I don't mind what he eats as long as he eats.  We've had a hard time getting him to drink anything.  Last night we discovered he likes warm water in a cup.  He can't manage the cup without spilling but if we hold it, he will drink.  Finally a nice full pee diaper this morning.  When we came home he was still having a hard time holding his head up for long periods of time.  We had the girls sitting behind him on the floor in case he fell.  He doesn't require that service any longer.  He stands as much as he can and then points to the floor when he wants help down.  He still can't get up from laying or sitting and he can't get down on his own.  He asks to walk all of the time and is getting tons of practice.  He has four of us at his disposal.  He can already walk holding one hand and the other arm is now at his side.  It is totally amazing to watch his determination and the progress is lightening fast.  We are trying to move his nap to 2:30 so that Eric can put him down after he picks the girls up from school.  Yesterday while sitting on the floor playing, he closed his eyes and fell over.  He gets up shortly before I get home from work and isn't quite ready for an 8pm bedtime.  I'm hoping he'll start staying up a bit longer so I can have more time with him during the week.  Early days.  Hard to really know what the schedule will look like.

Jia isn't enjoying all parts of having a brother just yet.  She is having toy jealousy but surprisingly still hasn't had much jealousy about sharing the parents or sisters.

Lili and Fei are doing an amazing job with Luk.  They both just love him to bits.

I went back to work on Monday.  Monday after work we all went to Nanaimo to get two more car seats.  My desk is loaded.  I'm totally behind.  I have tons of adoption paperwork to get to.  I've just paid our Nov. bills and balanced the cheque book.  Our social worker has already contacted us for Luk's one month post placement appointment on the 14th.  Wow.  Christmas is looming.  It's time to make a plan for Jia's 4th Birthday on the 28th.  We need a family photo pronto.  I did manage to get the kids matching tops for the photo.  So, ya', super busy.  Mostly good busy but still feeling overwhelmed.

Haven't been taking many photos.

Sunday is Lili's gotcha day and we're planning to visit with friends and go to Butchart later.  Looking forward to some down time this weekend.