
Our family.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Long cold day.

Another adventure failure.  Yesterday was so warm with gorgeous blue skies.  Today...not so much.  My brilliant plan, a picnic at the ocean, a hike at the falls and dinner out on the way home.  

It was so cold at Rathtrevor that we all agreed there was no way we could eat there.   We ran into the park far enough to take a couple pics and then scurried back to the cars.   It wasn't as cold at Qualicum Falls and not windy but still not really conducive to a nice relaxing picnic.  Too cold to bother hiking, we all opted to head to the mall instead.

Lili has decided her speech that is coming up at school will be "My Mom thought it would be a good idea to...".  Ya', there are some failures but it's always good for a laugh and most of my plans aren't 'that' bad. 

Gramma and Grampa were with us today.  Gramma came in to shop with us.  Gap and Old Navy.  My Mom and I actually managed six matching things for our family.  T for Eric, Jia and I, collared shirt for Luk, dress for Fei and a hoodie for Lili. Gotta' love Old Navy.  Ready for a proper family photo now.

Mom and Dad then took Jia home for dinner and the rest of us met Penny and girls for a nice peaceful dinner out.

Last night Lili, Fei and James went to see Divergent while Jia and I went to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman.  She was so well behaved.  ?  I praised her like crazy, told her I really enjoyed her company and let her know specifically each thing she did great.   She was so happy to report to Eric and the girls that she was good at the show.   Today when we asked her to tone it down in the car she said 'I was good in the theater'.  Hmm,  so she bought the right to misbehave?!

Eric is watching Thor with the big kids now.  I'm in bed early.  Letting Jia stay up to play her Leapster pet pals game.  Its been missing since our Disneyland trip this past Oct. and Fei found it today.  Exciting times.