
Our family.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend updates.

Six and a half hours of errands yesterday with the big girls.  Eric was home with the littles.  So grateful we can split up to get things done.  Jia can be even more demanding of our attention when we're out.  Plus she has to be reminded every couple minutes to stop climbing everything in site.  I asked her the other day if she could hear me and she said yes so I followed with 'well, what did I say?' her answer 'I don't know I wasn't listening for real'.   Sigh.

Lili got her hair cut yesterday.  Fei to a party.  Jenny to the vet.  Birthday, Easter and grocery shopping.  Two and a half hours in the Bell store getting Eric, Lili and Fei their upgraded phones.  That was super frustrating for sure.  Sadly we aren't done there, Eric's new phone isn't working yet. 

Lili's hair is spectacular.  I can't stop staring at her.  She has enough to donate again.  She has wanted it done for a while but isn't keen on people looking at her and when she went to short hair when she was six the kids at school told her she looked like a boy.   I don't think that will happen this time.  Jia wants her hair just like Lili's now ;)  It's Jia though, so I'm afraid if we cut it she will change her mind after it is done. 

Fei was at a party that was 1 - 3.  Lili and I were pressed for time and had our errands to the minute.  Then got a call from Fei at 2:35 that the party was over.  We zoomed across town to get her,  the birthday girls Mom was standing outside with Fei, I waved at Fei and the Mom took off at a run.  Seriously. 

As for Jenny, had her diagnosed from Internet research.  Called for the meds she needs.  Had to come in of course.  He pet her and looked at her skin.  Spent 5 minutes repeating that.  Then told me what I already knew.  $167.  Frustrating.  She wasn't pleased with us trying to get pills in her.  Thankfully crushed and in gravy worked.

Snow is still coming down.  Sure hoping the rain is on the way.  Lili has scoliosis clinic at Queen Alexandra tomorrow.  Yanking Fei from school so we can take advantage of a day out together. 

We're dog sitting, cleaning house and having friends over for dinner today.  Jia and Luk were helping me tidy and dust today.  Too cute.  Now that Lili is almost 12 she is going to do her own laundry.   Today is day one ;) 

I haven't seen our big chicks for a week.  They're out in the coop.  Eric is packing them in one by one so I can cuddle them.  They totally remember us and are settling in on my lap for cuddles and naps.  Jia has Goldie all wrapped up in a blankie like a baby.

Luk is doing so fabulously with his walking that I'm going to put his walker upstairs in his closet today.  Also, yesterday he climbed the stairs on his own.  He was a lot steadier than I thought he would be.  Time to put the bottom gate back on.

All is well in Nelsonville.