
Our family.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Oh My

What a day.  Almost midnight and we have to leave early tomorrow.  We get six whole hours of sleep tonight or six hours of time in our room.  Arg.  Why oh why do they run this tour like this.

Opening ceremony was nice.  Then an educational component that was very boring.  Banquet lunch.  Tianamen Square, Forbidden City, Peking Duck dinner and then walking on the shopping street.  Phew.  Four hours of walking, straight.  On pavement with no shade because the emperor wouldn't have trees where assassins could hide.

Fei and I don't love duck dinner so much but it was the cultural lesson of the moment so we played along and made our little pancakes.  Food was too authentic today.  I'm hungry.  Just snarfled chocolate from home.  Too tired to make noodle soup, rice or oatmeal. 

The walking street would have been ok if we weren't so wiped out from our pavement hike.

I got Fei and I two bottles of frozen water and we stood being quite ridiculous with them rubbing them everywhere we could.  Man did they ever feel good.  Then they melted and we drank them and kept our eye out for a vender with frozen ones but we didn't find more.

Fei loves lychee nut popsicles as much as I do. 

Oh, us and one other Canadian family are on the USA bus.  We applied to the overseas staff through a US travel company.   It's all good.  We've made friends and we're happy with our group. 

Tidbit,  if you give a clock to someone in China as a gift you are wishing them dead.  So, watches not so great as a gift. 

Our guide is Oscar.  He's great.   Funny.  Lots of facts about Beijing.

We found out that our exchange student is a 12 year old girl named Hellen.  We meet her on Saturday.

Busy day tomorrow.  Million more things to say and record but it's so late.  I've had my bath, time to crash.