
Our family.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Bunch of stray photos.

We're finally making progress on him smiling for the camera.  Of course I had to do some duck quacking to make it happen.
Jia got a gift card for her Birthday.  We made it shopping on Sat.  She took it very seriously. Eric went to get a hair cut.  Big girls took off on their own.  Luk and I followed her around the toy story for a long time. Final decision was a talking Princess Cadance My Little Pony. Took a while to settle because she had $25 and Cadance was $30 but 30% off.  Way too big a real life math problem for grade one ;)
Smiling without duck sounds!
These two did some shopping on their own.  They found new shirts on sale 50% off from their favorite store and phone covers 80% off and bought them with their own money.  Wild. Sooo independent.  
Noodle Box.  This is how the big girls wait.
This is how the littles wait.
Year of the monkey for CNY this Feb.  I found these monkey game booklets in the valentine's day isle at a dollar store.  Score!! Perfect favor for handing out in the kids classes.
I bought Eric an adult coloring book so he could sit with me.  The littles joined us Sunday morning.  Jia wasn't peaceful and we sent her away.  Luk sat for a good hour and quietly worked in his book.  He is actually coloring in the lines now.  He loves to draw and often draws all over the coloring picture.
I think he had an ok time.
Paper crafting.  These cakes turned out so cute. Wouldn't mind trying again with sturdier paper, paint and more serious cake decorating.  Perhaps gluing things on.