
Our family.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Do you know how to live on Mars?

We do.  Fei's project is housing on Mars for 100 people.

I resent big school work projects that have to be done at home. Like we actually have time.  Eric and Fei gathered the supplies last week and we've been discussing the plan off and on.

I told Fei that it has to be done this weekend.  Way too much going on next week to squeeze in extra projects.  So Eric, Fei and I gathered at the table at 1:30.  We finished at 4:30.  I think that's pretty impressive.  The domes need to be glued down but we're holding off until tomorrow in case we think of something else to add.

The really amazing part...the littles stayed in the living room.  They're playing with duplo and stopping to watch TV when something they like comes on treehouse.