
Our family.

Sunday, March 13, 2016


We get LOTS of questions about Kai's English.

Lili was using some Hakka. Fei was speaking Nangchanese. Jia had only heard a local dialect. Luk was speaking Mandarin. Kai understands and speaks Mandarin.  We have no fear, he will learn just as the others have.

Right now he comprehends most of what we say.  We aren't having any communication problems.  He responds appropriately. He tries.  He mimics.  He chats to himself.  He tries out new words constantly.

He is playing right now and told me "it's a tower".  I asked how many towers and he said "ree".  Which I assume was three, so I counted the four towers and he smiled and nodded.  Anyones guess if he got that or not. But he will.

We had a meeting at the school to talk about the boys and their needs.  It went well.  They felt the only reason to wait another year to start would be if there were behavioural issues.  Which there aren't.  They are both able to sit and do busy quiet work.  They are both keen to learn.  I voiced my concerns about Kai's language.  They have offered assistance for him.  Also Luk qualifies so it was suggested they could work together and get more time.  They were also extremely accommodating about Luk's physical needs.  It was all good. 

Kai says things like "ee ou ater" see you later. "Ere is I-o-ba" there is Isabel. Some of it is more clear "why?".  "Mama's home!" "Night night Daddy" "supper time". 

General rule for kids in a new language is comprehension at two months, conversational at six months and scholastic comprehension when they're at equal time to their original language.  Then there is the developmental math. Kai was 4 years, four months when he came to Canada.  Kids from institutional care lose one month for every four.  Which means he should be operating at a young three year old level.  He's higher in some areas and lower in others :)

Mom is having a "boy shower" of Kai and I today.  I should be tidying the house but instead the boys are playing with games and developmental toys out of the Mama cupboard (things with pieces and are supervised).  They're having a great time.  Kai is hard at potty training again today, so I'm stuck to the laminate floor again. Don't want him peeing on the hard wood or the carpet.  We're at two hours and still nothing.