
Our family.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Friday the 13th.

While waiting for Eric and Kai at the peds office this lady hit my car.  She didn't acknowledge that she hit my car and didn't seem at all concerned that I took her picture.  Wild.  I don't think there was any damage.  Hard to tell with how winter dirty the bumper is.  
Kai was great about his check up.  Had a great visit and she is going to try setting some more stuff up for us.  We're hoping to find a visual therapist to help us teach Kai to turn his head, look down, look at what he is doing. He has vision but doesn't seem to know how to use it effectively.  I also talked about the dream harness for both boys so I can catch them when they trip, fall without using their hands and arms.  Which is hard on all of us.  She immediately told me they make them at a place in town.  Wrote a prescription for both of them and filled out at home care forms so we can get them covered.  Yay.  We'll be able to get Kai hiking!  Luk too for that matter.  Although he's 20 lbs lighter and still easy enough to manage. In the end the part Kai liked best was lunch out with Daddy.  It was ok that I was there too and I know he likes me just fine but Kai in particular is a major Daddy's boy.
He plowed in a whole stir fry.  Fun to take him to all the veggies, he says 'ya sure' to all of them.
For two days she has been asking over and over to make her volcano.  I said on the weekend.  I think I was home three minutes before she started.  "Are you done working?  So it's the weekend now?"  It's built.  The paster sheets were fun.  Now letting it dry overnight before painting.  She's already made me check it three times to see if it's dry.  

She is already on youtube checking to see what they look like when you pour the vinegar in.