
Our family.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

School Evacuation

Eric called me after lunch and said "have you heard from the girls?".  I said "No. Why?".  Then he told me he was on his way home from picking up paint and they were evacuating their high school and the elementary school next door.

Yikes.  My first thought was gunman.  Eric was held in traffic and could smell gas and then was told it was a gas leak and he told me it was a gas leak but I was frantically texting the girls and couldn't register what he was saying while I was in a panic.  Lili responded very quickly. Letting me know she was ok.  It was a gas leak.  She had a coat and her backpack with food.  Took another 10 minutes to hear from Fei.  Eric drove to the track where they were but they didn't want to go with him.  They stayed at the sportsplex and were allowed back to school a half hour later.

They thought it was all very exciting and enjoyed their time with friends.

I don't bounce as quickly as they do.  It took me some time to calm down.  It's exhausting wearing my heart on my sleeve.  I love these kids way too much. 

Lili and Fei are overloaded again with homework and studying but the three littles have nothing today.  Wish I could just lay on the couch and watch some mindless tv but it's already time to get the boys going on their bed time routine and once they're down Eric and I are going to Superstore to get supplies for lunches tomorrow. 

CAN NOT believe it's only Tuesday.