
Our family.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Luge.

Eric makes a slide for the kids when it snows but this time he stepped it up and made a luge for the boys.  They still spilled and rolled but not off the side!  Brownie points for the man.

It's been a busy day of dressing and undressing and wet everything.  This is one of the things one doesn't think about in the five kid decision!  It's 2:30, snowing again.  Everything is wet!  Fingers crossed they're all done going outside for the day.

It was fun watching them all play.  Lili and Isabel had a great play out there.  Sorta wish I'd gone out to film but ultimately pretty happy to have stayed warm all day!

Table is set for dinner.  Not sure when Mom and Dad are coming.  Eric and the big girls are just starting cooking now.