Jia's little mouse was actively dying yesterday. She's taking that harder than I expected. Since I'm the only one taking care of them. I held Zecora and sobbed. We didn't think she'd make the night. Today she has rallied. Cleaned herself up. Eating and pooping. Jia reports she's even running today. So sad letting go of pets. Even when it's expected. The mice are super old. Now we check the cage non stop. Ruby has distanced herself and they aren't cuddling anymore. Sob.
Lili and Fei's piano teacher is sick and in hospital. So the student they teach at her house came here for her lesson. That's new. It was ok. They did theory in the dining room.
Lili has hired a math tutor. She's having to work hard this year at keeping her mark's up in a couple of her classes. She's been going to the library to study and do homework after school every day that she can. Works alright because I just pick her up on my way home.
We're all feeling a bit housebound. I'm missing the days of our big group get togethers for trick or treating in town. Just me taking Jia and Luk tomorrow. If it's not raining of course. I told Eric I was feeling sad and he said he'd come with me. I know there are so many things he'd rather be doing but I want a friend with me so I'm going to take him up on the offer.
Update to Kai's eating.
Kai refused food again tonight. Seriously just not eating. Peaches are his favorite normally so I cut some up and we told him he could have them after some yogurt. He was so upset that he wouldn't swallow and was drooling and wretching. Then spit the yogurt out on the floor and all over himself. Fun. He then was sent to the bathroom to clean himself up and he went into a total melt down. Like we haven't seen since our first year together. Oy. Everything in our guts knows he's out of sorts because he's hungry and not eating because he's out of sorts. He ended up in his room sobbing for a while. He came down when he was calmer. I had cream of wheat waiting and fresh yogurt and the peaches. He sat and sobbed again. So I told him he wasn't getting his way and he was going to eat even if I had to feed him like a baby. It took a half hour and I had to put a small piece of peach on each spoonful of cereal but he got it all down. About 6 bites in under duress he finally figured out it was good and quietly and shyly gave me eye contact and let me just feed him nicely. Let's hope tomorrow looks better now that he's finally eaten something. Poor kid. This last week has NOT been fun. I'm no where near over the trauma of the picu, obviously neither is Kai!
Jia wanted chips and I said no because she had some earlier. She said just surprise me then. So I made smiles. She was impressed with my work but peanut butter on apples was a no and she doesn't eat marshmallows. So she got plain apple slices and I'm having smiles for my snack ;)