
Our family.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Missing the dining room on the ship this morning.  Back to cooking and dishes. Not excited about the snow still here either.  Jia and Luk were though.  They went out this morning at 9:30 and have just come in now.  3 hours straight.  Jia is making hot chocolate now.  The cruise ship has a hot chocolate machine going 24 hours a day.  Haha.  So not ready for real life again.

The whole family is ready for me to book another cruise.

We did a great packing job.  Had everything we needed. Rare.  Used almost everything.

We were told often and repeatedly that we have great kids.  By staff and fellow passengers.  The dining room staff were fawning over the boys. The boys had fans.  People were talking to them all over the ship.  Luk was keeping lots of people entertained.

Kids club was great for the littles.  We were told by staff that it's unusual to have such nice and well behaved kids.  So either we've done a decent job of parenting or we're super strict.  At the end of our last night the camp manager gifted all three with one of their build a bear animals with individual letters of praise.  They named their calico cats Callie, Calvin and Hobbs.  Jia made friends on both ships.  So fun.

Lili and Fei met other teens on our first cruise and had lots of fun as a group.  On the second boat there weren't as many kids or teens and their club was mostly shut down.  The club leader told Lili and Fei the other girls she met were snobby and she didn't think they'd like them.  Which of course made them want to meet the 'snobby' girls even more.  They never met.  So they watched a lot of movies.  Spent time with us.  Got some sleep.  Went to a few shows.  We did comedy shows together while the littles were in their camp. We got to have nice meals together in the dining room almost every night while the littles ate kids food in their camp.

Kai did a great job traveling!!  We were all impressed with his improvements.  No fear.  Stuck with us.  We did have to stop him from cuddling with strangers a few times.  He did get to watch tv at the hotel in Miami.  He didn't really ask for much over all. We brought Lego and that was a very good thing.  He was happy with everything happening.  That said...he hasn't left his tv today ;)

Luk was our weak travel link.  Tired.  We used the chair as much as possible and it still wasn't enough.  He was confused, babbling, clueless.  In the mornings he was up alert and on the ball.  By afternoon he would be losing it and by bedtime we had to help him with everything.  He doesn't do well in the heat. He doesn't like air conditioning, too cold.  He was leary.  Terrified of the cold water with the dolphins.  Wouldn't touch Ginger the baby alligator.  Scared of his bunk bed (couldn't put Kai up because he still falls out of bed routinely). Unhappy about showers (no tub in our rooms).  And just when you think he had no idea what we just did he sums up on the way home "I'm 7, we're 7 and we went to 7 countries".

Jia was gung ho for everything. She slept in her own bed in the girls room.  Once she discovered 24 hour pizza we had a hard time getting her to eat other things.  She was brave enough to go get her own.  She split her time between us, kids camp and hanging with the big sisters. Now that we're home she is on and on about missing Max.

I think I finally knew where everything was on our last couple days.

Lacie was so excited to see me she wiggled more than ever.  I had a hard time hanging onto her.  Esmei was stand offish.  She came to bed this morning so hopefully we can go back to normal.  Our house sitter was great.  All the critters are great.  She sent photos.  Oliver in his first snow.  Esmei and Walter cuddling in the shower.  Isabel sharing food with Lewis.  Nice to be able to get away without worries.