
Our family.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Port today was Mahogany Bay, Roatan, Honduras.  Hands down the prettiest port we've ever seen.  Eric and the girls went on a chair lift to Blue Lagoon.  Very cool.  The boys and I explored the port.  Then we met our group and went to Gumbolimba Park.  We got to see Iguanas, Macaws, a Tucan, Capuchin Monkies, fruit bats and a baby capybara. All rescued and living freely.  They stay for the food. The drive there was amazing.  The island is gorgeous.  Jungle.  Day was hot and wet.  Manageable.  On the way back I left my purse on the bus.  Realized it immediately and got help from port security.  They managed to track the driver and we got it back. Had to wait for the driver to return.  Phew.  Just to add excitement to the day.  As if monkies weren't enough.  Tons of pictures.  Really hard to narrow it down.

Waiting for the chair lift.  The misting station looked heavenly.  

Prettiest port ever.

Girls did the swinging bridge.  Rest of us did Chicken Walk.  The park wasn't wheel chair friendly in the least.

Tucan in the mix of Macaws.

She held my hand. So sweet.

The monkies all liked Eric best.  They all leapt off us to get to him. He was quite taken with them too.  

This mama has her daughter on her back.

Happiest we've ever seen Kai.

They call the Capybaras rabbits.