
Our family.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Really bad connections.

Evening swims.
Bike riding going well for some of us...not all of us.  Oy.  Yup...he screamed all the way around the site loop.  He says no more.  Also no swimming, no dirt, no forest and no hiking.  He is enjoying his carpet time outside, lego, cars, the food and puzzles.  So, ya, Kai can suddenly do puzzles. All the kids are asking how, we're just shrugging. It's a mystery. We're missing pieces in all of them now. I'm trying to accept this.  I am a work in progress.
Max is with us for 10 nights here at Gordon Bay.  They are having a good time together.  They're both getting pretty tired. Late nights whispering into the wee hours.
The four of them playing hard in the playground.  Three of them graciously included Kai and Kai spent the whole time screaming "nah, nah, you can't catch me" with a bum wiggle and a laugh.  At no point was anyone actually chasing him.  The only wifi, cell service is between the gate house and playground so I let him torture everyone with his screaming until my game was caught up.  I'm considerate like that.  Haha.
Lazy time. Much needed.
These cuties 💓.
These cuties too 💓.
Max's private island. 
Eric had to go to town to deal with Lili's new car again and he took the boys.  Brad had to work. Penny and Brad have joined us for a couple days. So Penny and I took Max and Jia kayaking. We thought it would be easy to carry the two doubles to the lake.  It was not.  Hilarity ensued though so it was totally worth it.  We paddled against the current there and back.  Our private beach was sooo beautiful. It was a perfect day.
Afterwards I called Eric and he was able to pick up the boats for us.  Thank goodness.
Jia usually paddles alone and I usually paddle on my own with Luk.  Sharing was interesting.  Tons of laughs.
The puppies stayed in the moho.  They're pretty happy I'm back and they have a lap to snuggle on.

This happened on Saturday.
One happy girl.  Then Sunday night the car had a catastrophic happening.  Stranded the girls while telling them to pull over.  The joys.  They called Eric and he left the campsite to their rescue. They limped the car home. Today Eric went and talked to the dealer and they have already picked it up with a tow truck and are going to make it right.  Just one of those things that simply wasn't predictable.  Fingers crossed it will all work out.