
Our family.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Red Carpet Video

This was the grad committee's version of socially distanced.  Oy.  Head bonk. Lili is flanked by kids she doesn't know at all.

This link is to a highlight video of the Red Carpet Walk for Lili's grad class.  When it was first released she and her partner weren't in it.  I will admit to be being enraged about this. In these days to be excluded was totally unacceptable to me.  Honestly, Lili didnt even react. She was genuinely happy to see everyone else. I found it just so sad that she was so willing to accept being excluded. I sent off an email that simply said "Is there a video available that shows all of the graduates?" I was extremely reserved.  It was very difficult for me to express nothing. Of course in my head I was writing long lashing letters. I did talk to another adult who works in the school district who felt the same horror as me so I was reasonably sure I wasn't crazy. I haven't been able to let it go. I just rewatched the video again this morning before calling and writing.  Good thing because Miss Lili and Miss Kenzie have now been added.  5:18 for 2 seconds, but they're there now.  Don't blink.  Haha. 

I feel tremendously sad for any other grads that didn't make the highlight video. In years past, the grads all walk the carpet together and the video was continuous.  Once again, this was me expecting the same to have happened.  Too much change in our world.

I'm really ready for those lazy days of summer now.

One of the Mom's from the prom group just posted in the planning group that we should do it all again in five years for a reunion.  Hahaha. Bahaha. I didn't respond.  I'm thinking they'll all be 23...they can plan their own darn parties without parent involvement.