
Our family.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

New Car

Oh, he's pretty pleased with himself.  He found the car, took his two in for assessment and made a deal without mentioning a word to me.  He did good.  I'm not totally understanding picking the same car out but it's working for him.  You'd think he would have at least got a different color.  3rd Caravan in a row.  He really likes that stow and go seating. He can still put sheets of plywood in the car without removing seats.  I would argue this one is too nice for plywood transporting. 

So wee glimpse to our scheduling. Eric took my Jeep to Cdn Tire, I picked him up.  Home to get Luk and Jia to school. Picked up Coleman.  Eric took Kai to speech in Cow Bay. I took Coleman to the vet.  Eric took Kai to school.  We met at the house.  Went back to town to get a certified cheque for the new car.  Back home.  Lili drove my convertible to the car lot.  I drove the Navigator, Eric drove the old van.  Spent two hours transferring, purchasing and insuring.  I went to work.  Eric and Lili went home.  After work Eric and I took the boys for dinner at the Rock Cod but realized once we were there that we forgot to pay for my Jeep and get the key.  So we backtraced to town, took my Jeep home and headed back out for dinner.  Lili had a class and Fei was at work.  Jia was napping and missed out.
The car is kid approved.
Food was amazing as always.  
So nice to be out. 
Fei was our server.
She did a great job and is so darn cute.
We weren't sleeping well last night.  Coleman had us up trying to play. Me taking flash pictures of Eric and his dog wasn't helping Eric sleep. We were a bit too warm. I have air conditioning on tonight.  That sure happened fast!! 
Vet appointment went pretty much as expected today.  No great surprises. He is moving onto meds as soon as they are compounded for him. We're hopeful it will be enough to hold off more seizures.  Everyone loved him and got some cuddles. He is gaining weight with the hand feeding.  Aside from his special needs his basic health is ok.  He is definitely living with a shorted life span.  

So, after very little debate it was easily decided that we're going to be a foster fail family for little Finn.  Eric is calling him an Isabel mini me.  Which makes Finn automatically his dog.  Jia and Luk are delighted.  Kai when told completely ignored the subject and stressed again that he wanted blue cheese dressing on his salad.