
Our family.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Staying Put

We're not doing Kissinger Lake today.  We're staying put.

Things have been crazy busy around here. We need to decompress a bit.  I did ask Eric what we would do this weekend if we weren't going away.  I didn't get a single suggestion from him.  I suspect there will be some couch time with Finny and Gilmore Girls.  
Esmei has moved into Coco's house.  It's creating some angst for Coco.  She brought a bunch of toys and is doing everything she can to entice her out.  Haha.  I actually bought it for Sasha because she was stealing Coco's little pink kitten house.  So Coco has been moved out twice.  The grey one is still up for grabs, it's Finn's but he is almost never upstairs anymore.
The new beauty got some cleaning, vacuuming and polishing.  It's looking better.  Next up, trying to get scratches out.  We joke that everyone needs to stay back 15' to look at it.

Fei and I are heading out today to run some errands.  One of them is stopping for a quote on making her more perfect.  Black is such a tough color.

Now, onto the drama parts.  The girl drama has eased.  Which is fabulous.  However, Lili, our biggest drama queen has put her back out.  Which is awful and super painful.  It is hard to tell how serious it is with Lili since her pain tolerance level is so incredibly low to start with.  Dr Google indicates this is stress related sciatica nerve.  Day 1 we told her to have a hot tub soak and rest.  Day 2 we did all the home remedy things. Day 3 we got super serious and did Mama administered alternated advil and back muscle acetaminophen every two hours.  She started the day in Luk's wheelchair But was walking by mid day. Day 4 Lili lined up at the walk in clinic and was asked to go back at 1.  Eric drove her back because driving is hard and dangerous when you can't move.  She was sent for an x-ray.  We won't hear back anything for three to five business days.  Day 5, she thought she'd go back to work but the restaurant closed for the day, for heat related staffing issues.  Now she is planning to go to a Taylor Swift Level 2 Club night in Nanaimo with a few friends but she can't drive so Fei has been enlisted to drop her off and visit a friend before going back to pick her up.  Suggested back health advice from the Dr. is to rest as much as possible but also move as much as possible and use the pain meds alternated.  Yup.  Try to navigate that with a literal person who doesn't like to take any pills. Ok, and the really funny part, when Lili was with the Doctor she FORGOT to mention she has scoliosis! So, we're laughing like crazy anticipating the phone call where they diagnose her with Scoliosis.  

Jia has been on a mission to gain pity points in a game for the last three days in order to get the new character she desperately wanted.  So we've barely seen her for 3 days.  She did get the character last night and was pretty excited.  My guess is now that the hyperfocus has ended she will have a massive sleep.

Kai, who asks for nothing has asked three times to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.  He's told us it's out now, in theaters.  Arg.  I really, really don't want to see it.  I've put the bug in Eric's ear.  Sadly it already left Duncan.  

Luk wants nothing more from his summer holiday.  No requests at all.