
Our family.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023


Ah, an update.  The Dr. found my cervix. Things are seriously tipped, likely from the colectomy. Yay.  Exploratory surgery didn't sound fun. No additional biopsies required at this point.  I don't have to go back until January.  The cervical cancer was cut out 10 years ago.  

I had an appointment with the Endocrinologist today.  She actually asked me what I credited my improvements to.  Ah.  The meds?  Haha.  She is confused by me. It's weird not fitting type 1 or type 2.  I don't fit the norms.  She is still pushing for insulin versus the meds I'm on.  For now, another 3 month reprieve of keeping everything the same.  And she'd prefer I wore my alert bracelet.  I tend to forget it most of the time.