
Our family.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Rocky Start

One boy happy about an adventure.  One just super annoyed about life in general and definitely not having fun.

Kai has a sniffle.  Freaking 1st week back to school.  Every year.  He always gets something!  I wish the stupid, freaking pandemic had taught people about caring for others.  I have strong evil thoughts about parents sending their kids to school when they're sick.  

Kai has zero clue or ability about how to blow his nose.  He refuses to even try anymore.  He is quite literally an infant when it comes to a runny nose.  So he's in the car making icky breathing, snuffely noises and it's making me absolutely nuts.  Eric and Luk are also annoyed but not being as vocal as I am.  

He's 12.  It's TIME for him to figure something out.  So, he's been told today that as long as he is being continually gross and rude I will be talking to him about how and when to use a kleenex. I mean, I have hours in the car with him so that's the mission.  Pray for us.

As well as having a sniffle we got him up at 3:00am so he's just in general refusing to be cooperative.  He decided he wanted to sit sideways in the car today with no seatbelt strap on so now we have to turn to look at him constantly.  That's a new one. He also was mad that there was a new Disney movie to watch in the car.  Encanto.  Apparently he doesn't like it.  He said he was just planning to look out the window except it was dark.  Haha.  We're making the boys switch seats so I can keep a better eye on Kai.

We know he travels poorly and yet I am still always so hopeful and then so disappointed at how much disruption he creates in his attempt to let us know he's unhappy.

I despise the idea of respite care but honestly it's maybe time to reconsider. Right this second it would be so much nicer to be having fun with the kid who wants to be here getting to do the cool things.