
Our family.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Officially adopted.

He is officially a Nelson.  He did great today.  He got a Mama and a Baba and he is holding on tight.  He insists on being held and fusses if he thinks you might put him down.  Eric had him first and when he was handing him to me I put my hands out expecting him to react badly but he reached back and was fine. 

He had a bottle and then wanted to snuggle.   So I opted to cuddle instead of shower :)

He ate everything we offered at breakfast.   Jia ate nothing.

The process is streamlined even more.  We were with one other family who were adopting their 11th child.  #12 next week and already have loa for two more.  Wozers.  Fabulous people.

The Director of Luk's SWI came in and saw us at the civil affairs office.  He reached out to Luk and Luk looked him in the eye and shook his head no.  He came back a second time and Luk shook his head no even more emphatically and then looked away.  While he was sneaking a peek after that the director grinned at us and left.  Luk made his choice.   So cool.  Such a profound moment.

Jia is doing ok but she wants to be held every moment that he is. During our third hour of waiting around and paperwork she'd had enough and started whining 'pick me up' over and over again.  Sigh.  Hoping to get to walmart after Luk naps.  We need two strollers.

We discovered an undisclosed need when we did the first diaper change.  We're pretty sure he has anal artresia.  Sure wasn't expecting that.  Poor little guy.  He eats well and is pooping so nothing urgent.  Several special needs but he appears basically healthy.  The other Mom on the bus has a four year old girl with artresia and she said it sounded like that is what he has.

We met the couple that run New Day Foster Home south last night.   One of the kids in their foster home was the boy placed with the family we were with today.  He checked on Luk today and Eric was able to discuss Luks needs with him.  His wife told me they have seen a lot of artresia and they just recently had a little girl with spina bifida who is doing really well. 

Eric and I both got a smile from Luk today.  Shy sweet little smiles.  Giant big smiles while playing with Jia.  They had a great game of working together to stack two sets of cups together.  My fave moment so far.  She was so delighted and was chatting and laughing and he was smiling, grinning and looking all adoringly at her.

Luk and Eric are napping.   Jia is watching Chinese cartoons.  It's all good.