
Our family.

Monday, April 11, 2016

New Bikes for the Boys!

Big day!

Boys were shocked and pretty happy about picking out new bikes. I was headed for a BB8 and R2D2 bike but the boys liked different ones.  Once Luk picked his Kai was all over having the same one. So cute. I still think the Star War ones were cuter but we gave them choice. Now I have to head to the dollar store for bells and whistles so we can make them look different.  They did agree to the cute helmets though. You wouldn't have believed the fuss from cutomers and staff when we were lugging the bikes through the store.  The boys were too cute getting their first bikes!

We started the day with some errands.  Went to look at a van I like and found out the rock bottom price we settled on is now the marked sale price. So they dropped it another thousand for us.  Slimy salesmen.  I think we might be getting closer.  Then we stopped to check on Scott and play at a park.

Good day so far.  Picking up the girls now.

Kids got to ride for a bit after a snack and before getting the littles to dance. Surprisingly Luk just took off!! Didn't see that happening. He is completely over joyed.  Jia is so excited that he can ride with her now. Not going so great for Kai yet.  We tried putting Kai on a bigger bike but he was so inept at even getting on them that after some prodding from me and after he fell over a couple times from standing by the bike.  Seriously. Eric finally agreed to the 12" for him too. So he can almost peddle or almost steer. But not together and he can only peddle one rotation then he stops and can't get started again.  Everyone...Eric is my hero in some circumstances.  He just kept walking with Kai and repeating push down, look forward, look where you're going. I would have found a reason to head in and kept him away from the bike for another month.  Then since Luk was doing so great we stopped hovering and he fell and dislocated his thumb!! Eric snapped it back in.  It's bruised but he can move it and he stopped crying as soon as Eric put it back in the right position. Again, he's a hero!  I missed it all while I was with Kai. Eric wasn't going to tell me the details but Jia explained in great detail. I would have bundled him back to emergency. He is so delicate.

Ok. At dance.  Time to watch the cuteness here. Penny and girls are over for dinner. Lili has theater and Fei has dance. Mondays are busy.

He looks unhappy here, he's worried we'll take the bike away.
Misleading, Eric just stepped away ;)