
Our family.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day

Eric and the boys picked Jia and I up at the ferry.  We went for a walk at Butchart.  Tulips, my fave, are all up.  So it was pretty spectacular there. Then we went to see Debbie and family.  Ended up out to dinner with them.  So that was a fun change to the day.  Jia and Emily were happy to see each other.  Lili and Fei worked all day.  We picked them up on the way home. 

A bracelet from Kai.

Another bracelet from Luk.  He had all the words.
Lavendar essential oils on lava beads with turquoise.
That he made himself.  Kai helped his ea.  ;)  It was an impressive mouthful.

Jia learned some leather work on the dream catcher she made me.  With my favorite color (orange) feather.  Which Oliver loves, a lot.  So it's in a drawer waiting for a frame to mount it in.

One of those perfect days, where everyone was content.

Winning over Dilenger.

Saw them for a few minutes at work.